Cedar Waxwing, at Dellinger’s Pond. A “lifer” for me.
Dragonflies and damselfly, Spanish Creek, at Longnose Bridge, Chandler Road/Oakland Camp Road
New bird species #13 for 2022, Northern Rough-winged Swallow. First hawk for the summer season. California Mule Deer buck in velvet.
Baby Steller’s Jays, at a friend’s house on Jackson Street, Quincy, CA
Great Egret, flight sequence, short hop.
Wild Turkey chick! Feather River College, Quincy, CA. And Pied-billed Grebe fledgling, Dellinger’s Pond, Quincy, CA. Gray Squirrel, FRC; Western Wood Pewee, FRC.
Western Tanager! First-ever photo for me of the male. Also, Warbling Vireo, another first. On Gansner Creek, just west of town. Other denizens of the woods photographed this day:
It’s up and running. Chime on in. It took me a couple of weeks to build this itsy-bitsy website. Let me know what you think. Just today: