The Lost Sierra Forrest
The Natural Outdoors: photos.
Videos of nature
My Human World
The big Pt. Reyes trip
Say Hello
Out and around
Photos from various locations around Quincy. Locations cited in photo captions.
Anna’s Hummingbird, Spanish Creek
Common Whitetail, Dellinger’s Pond
Cardinal Meadowhawk, Dellinger’s Pond
Bullock’s Oriole, Dellinger’s Pond
Black-headed Grosbeak, Dellinger’s Pond
Tiger Swallowtail, Dellinger’s Pond
Pacific Chorus Frog, Dellinger’s Pond
Western Pond Turtle, Spanish Creek at Oakland Camp bridge
Pale Swallowtail, same location
Mallard hen and ducklings, Dellinger’s Pond
Bullfrog, Dellinger’s Pond
Amplexus (frogs mating)
June 27, 2023