Quincy Junction Road

January 5, 2024. A fine ride out Quincy Junction Road; Kestrel, Red-tailed Hawks, Bald Eagle (juveniles), Greater White-fronted Goose, Northern Shoveler

American Kestrel
Red-tailed Hawk, about ready to…
…fly away.
What follows is a long sequence of photos of this young Red-tailed Hawk; definitely not the same bird as the one in the preceding photos.
A third, much more mature, Red-tailed Hawk for the day. One for the money,
…two for the show,
…three to get ready,
…and four to go, go, go, go, GO!
Northern Shoveler duck, male
Greater White-fronted Goose
Bald Eagle juveniles, at far left and upper right. Approximately 200 and 300 yards distance, respectively, from where I’m standing.
The one on the left.
And the one on the right.