Hawks and others around American Valley

Lots of hawks, a Great Blue Heron way up in a tree, some California Mule Deer, and a small reptile to round it all out. Various dates and locations throughout the last month, although all photos taken around American Valley.

American Kestrel
California Mule Deer
Mother doe, and two seasons of fawns.
Red-tailed Hawk on Quincy Junction Road
A nice backside shot of a Red-tailed Hawk
Profile of the preceding hawk
Ferruginous Hawk, Nov. 19, Quincy high school baseball field
Red-tailed Hawk, Nov. 19, Gansner Little League baseball field
A Red-tailed Hawk mating pair, high on the mountain near the airport, Nov. 19
Red-tailed Hawk on the old windsock by Riverside Rock sand and gravel supply facility; adjacent to the airport
Red-shouldered Hawk, Nov. 19, on the bicycle path near the high school
Red-tailed Hawk, Quincy Junction Road, Nov. 22
Red-tailed Hawk, Qcy Jct Rd, Nov. 22
Ferruginous Hawk, Qcy Jct Rd, Nov. 22
Red-tailed Hawk, Qcy Jct Rd, Nov. 22
Backside of Red-shouldered Hawk, bike path, Nov. 23
Nov. 23. This Great Blue Heron is in a tall Cottonwood tree near the college, on the bike path approaching the horse barns.
Nov. 28. There’s a Red-tailed Hawk up in the top of the big pine tree at center.
Red-tailed Hawk, Quincy Junction Road, Nov. 28

Western Fence Lizard, a.k.a. Blue-belly, on the sidewalk in front of my apartment.