New camera; photos

I got a new camera, similar to the one I’ve had for a couple of years, but now with longer zoom. Here are some photos since Oct. 31.

First hawk photo with new camera. Red-tailed Hawk on Quincy Junction Road
A few different frames of the same hawk
Same day, different RTH, different spot
Ferruginous Hawk, Nov. 5, along the bicycle path by the old sewer plant
Mountain Chickadee, along Spanish Creek by the airport
Evening Grosbeak, female
Cedar Waxwing
Oregon Dark-eyed Junco
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Mallard Duck at Dellinger’s Pond
Ripple and shadow effect, created by Common Water Strider
Looking east across American Valley, Nov. 7
First snow of 2023-24 winter season, Mt. Hough range/Grizzly Ridge
Taylor Rock, as photographed with eight miles between the camera and subject.
Mt. Hough lookout; again eight miles distance from camera to subject
Snow Goose, Nov. 7, American Valley
Rare for me to catch a Ferruginous Hawk in flight. Nov. 7, above American Valley
Red-shouldered Hawk, Nov. 10, American Valley; Feather River Land Trust Leonhardt Ranch Learning Landscape (as follows, all photos same date and location until noted differently in caption)
The Red-shouldered takes off
Beginning here, an extended sequence of Northern Harrier near the end of the walking path on the Leonhardt Ranch Learning Landscape, Nov. 10
Final photo for Nov. 10, American Kestrel
November 14, a foggy morning trip out to the wastewater treatment plant. Northern Harrier
Red-tailed Hawk; photo having fog de-hazed via editing program
Bufflehead Duck on wastewater treatment pond
A shy Red-tailed Hawk
After the fog burned off; the wastewater plant treatment pond. Earlier it was well populated with birds such as Bufflehead, Mallard, Ring-necked Duck, and American Wigeon, but just my standing there with my camera on the tripod caused them to take flight.
American Wigeon, male in non-breeding plumage or juvenile
Lesser Goldfinch
Loggerhead Shrike, Nov. 14, on return from wastewater plant and proceeding back into Leonhardt Ranch Learning Landscape
Beginning a sequence of Northern Harrier consuming a gopher